Homework 6 continues our work on the semester project. Over the course of Week 12 and Week 13, your team needs to continue its work on the semester project by completing existing user stories and tasks, identifying new user stories and tasks, and fleshing out the functionality of your prototype.
Below is a list of tasks identifying work that should be done over the course of the iteration. Most tasks identify a deliverable that Prof. Anderson will review when grading your efforts for this assignment.
1. Continue work on all previously assigned project requirements: a) creating, completing, and tracking user stories and tasks; b) creating iteration and daily burn down charts; c) updating your wiki pages with project status, iteration planning and design details, and d) deploying your latest prototype at the end of each iteration.
2. With respect to implementation priorities:
The client would like to see the faculty project submission page, the student submission page, and the project list features to be complete.
(That should have been the goal for the previous iteration, but you can use this iteration to finish any remaining to-dos on these features.)
The new priority for the final two iterations (this one and next one) are to work on the features of displaying students and projects in a matrix and providing assistance with the project matching process.
Recall that, in an ideal world, your software should be able to identify an initial set of matches between students and projects but then allow a human to go in and override those selections (and then run the matching process again, this time taking into account those overrides).
One good strategy would be to focus on getting the matrix displayed and providing features that allow human users to assign and unassign matches in the matrix. Then, once those features are in place, you can then start working on automated matching.
Refer back to the initial requirements document for information on the types of rules that can be brought to bear on the matching process. Note: having realistic data in your database will be crucial for your matching process to work. For instance, there is no way to select a student for a project because that student meets all of the project's requirements without having some way to match student characteristics with project requirements.
In the past, this matching was made by a human and so certain types of information could just be stored in text. Now, some of that information needs to be encoded in other ways so that matching can occur. This may require revising your project and student submission forms so the correct type of data is available for the matching process to take place.
Send me questions for the client via e-mail and I'll try to get answers posted in a timely fashion to enable progress on your software prototypes.
The third iteration is due by Friday, November 18th. By that time, you should have completed the tasks above. Prof. Anderson will review your user stories, your wiki documentation, your charts, your progress summary, and your prototype and then provide feedback.