What's New
Heads-Up for CAETE Students: Online FCQs
Just a quick note for CAETE students. You’ll have a chance to provide feedback on this course from Sat, Nov 29 to Tue, Dec 9. You’ll be sent an e-mail message with a link that will take you to a form that lets you evaluate my course and provide feedback. These forms are taken very seriously by our department and are reviewed and used during annual evaluations and when I’m up for promotion (such as moving from Associate Professor to Full Professor).
So, please don’t ignore or delete that e-mail message until you’ve clicked the link and provided me feedback! Thanks.
Note: In-Class students: you’ll have an opportunity to fill out FCQ forms in class. I’ll make an announcement of when that is happening later this semester.
London Data Store
For those of you looking for large data sets to process, check out the London Data Store. It is a website that offers access to an incredible set of open data about the city of London.
Midterm Review for CAETE Students
If you’re a CAETE student, you may have noticed that a video for Lecture 17 was not posted to D2L. That’s because I asked the CAETE studio NOT to record my discussion of the midterm. Instead, I would like to hold a Google Hangout session for all CAETE/in-class students interested in having me review the midterm one more time.
To do this, I would like those people who are interested in attending such a session to send me a message with the gmail address I should use to include you in the Hangout. Once I’ve got those, I’ll send out a Doodle poll with times I have to hold such a session and we’ll schedule the session based on the results of that poll.
If you have questions, let me know. Thanks!
Lecture 16
The slides from last week’s lecture on the actor model of concurrency (Lecture 16) is now available. Apologies for not getting this posted.
Midterm Results
I have now graded all of the midterms from both in-class and CAETE students. As a result, I’ll be handing back midterms in class (and mailing back exams to CAETE students) and discussing the midterm during tomorrow’s lecture. Below find the results for the combined class, just in-class students, and just CAETE students. I’ll be posting individual grades in D2L later today.
Note: if any CAETE students plan to attend lecture tomorrow to pick-up their exam and attend the review, please let me know (otherwise I’ll be dropping off your exam at the CAETE office tomorrow, so they can mail it back to you).
Total possible points on the midterm: 100
Results for the Combined Class | |
Average | 85.28 |
Median | 86.5 |
Mode | 96 |
Max | 99 |
Min | 52 |
Results for In-Class Students Only | |
Average | 85.81 |
Median | 87 |
Mode | 90 |
Max | 99 |
Min | 60 |
Results for CAETE Students Only | |
Average | 83.11 |
Median | 86 |
Mode | 94 |
Max | 97 |
Min | 52 |
Reminder: D2L Discussion Forums
Reminder: If you are looking for team members or looking for project ideas, head over to the D2L “Team Formation” topic and post your requests, suggestions, etc. there. Use this forum to help form teams as quickly as possible. Use it to brainstrom project ideas!
I also created two additional forums for students to share their experiences with Agile and Concurrent programming. (I had some students make a request for this.)
Midterm Grading Almost Done
I am almost done grading the midterm. I have one exam left to grade. That exam, for a CAETE student, was supposed to be faxed to me but the fax never arrived. Hopefully, I’ll receive it tomorrow and, if so, I’ll host the midterm review on Tuesday. Stay tuned.
Minimum Viable Product
A student sent me this image they found on-line to present the Agile approach to generating a minimum viable product (an initial release of a software system with “just enough” functionality). Agile grows the product by producing something useful in each iteration. Thanks for sharing!

Updated Reading List
I’m not going to be able to review the midterm until next week. I’ve decided to cover Chapter 5 from our Concurrency textbook for the next two lectures. So, tomorrow, we will start our exploration of the agent model using a new programming language called Elixir.
Final Reminder: MIDTERM TODAY
One last reminder for in-class sudents: The midterm is TODAY. Don’t skip class!
Semester Project
Details on the semester project are now available. The project officially starts next week but please spend the rest of this week (after the midterm) forming your teams and generating a project idea. Send me project ideas for review/approval as soon as possible (again, after the midterm).
Quiz 3
Quiz 3 has finally been created. It will go live on the D2L site at 9 PM tonight and it will stay active until 11:30 PM on Monday night. It has questions drawn from Lectures 5 through 14 and is designed to help study for the midterm. You can take this quiz twice if you want. Your highest score from the two attempts will determine your grade for this quiz. Note: I have allocated 180 minutes to take the quiz but it shouldn’t take you three hours to complete these questions. That time limit is there just in case you need to fire up a Clojure repl or look through slides in order to answer the questions.
Sample Code from Lectures 11 and 12
The sample code I used during Lectures 11 and 12 is now available.
Lecture 12
Slides for Lecture 12 (yesterday’s lecture) are now available. Sorry for the delay in getting these posted! Sample code from this lecture is coming up next!