- What's New
- Homework 6 Grades
- Submissions for Homework 6
- My failed Rails demo
- Demos
- Lectures 29 and 30
- Presentation Grades
- Presentations
- Opportunity to join a Start-Up
- FCQs
- Update on Student Demos
- Updated Due Date for Homework 6
- Lecture 28
- Lecture 27
- Grades for Homeworks 4 and 5
- Lecture 26
- Homework 6
- Lecture 25
- Lecture 24 Sample Code
- Lecture 24
- Lecture 23
- Grades Page Refreshed
- Lecture 22
- Homework 5
- Discussing Midterm Today
- Reminder: Homework 4 Due Tonight
- Do you have bugs in your mobile apps?
- Midterm Grades
- Follow-Up on New Venture Challenge
- Lecture 20 Supplemental
- Lecture 20
- President's Visit to CU on Thursday
- Lecture 19
- Homework 3 Grades
- Status Update
- Forming Teams
- Problem with Twitter in Lecture 18
- Lecture 18
- Homework 4
- Presentation Topics
- Lecture 17
- Lecture 16
- Pre-Taping Lecture 17
- Grades for Homework 2
- Reminder: Topics for Grad Student Presentations
- Semester Project
- Guest Speaker Today
- Lecture 13
- Lecture 12
- Installing Android
- Opportunities with Teach for America
- Opportunities with the Peace Corps
- Graded Homework 1 Hard Copies
- Lecture 11
- Grad Student Presentation
- How to Compute your Id
- Grades
- Homework 3 Reflections
- Talk on Modern Mobile Development
- Lecture 10
- Forming Teams
- Lecture 9
- Homework 3
- Lecture 7 Slides Updated
- Getting Rid of Ball and Socket
- Piazza
- Collaboratively Studying for the Midterm
- Naming Guidelines
- Sample Code for Lectures 7 and 8
- Lectures 7 and 8
- Quiz 1
- Homework 2
- Lecture 6
- Sample Code for Lecture 5
- Lecture 5
- Homework 1 and CAETE Students
- Reminder: Homework 1 Due Tomorrow
- Sorting and Displaying in Homework 1
- Comment on Homework 1
- Lecture 3
- Sample Code
- Homework 1 Submission
- Department Events Next Week (Save the Date!)
- Moodle
- RSS Feed
- Homework 1
- Accessing Lectures On-Line
- Lecture 2
- Lecture 1
- Syllabus Statements
- Booting Up…
- Lectures
- Lecture 30: Dependency Injection
- Lecture 29: Object Relational Mapping
- Lecture 28: Refactoring
- Lecture 27: Patterns of Patterns
- Lecture 26: Creational Patterns
- Lecture 25: More Design Patterns
- Lecture 24: More Design Techniques
- Lecture 23: Principles of Design Patterns
- Lecture 22: How Do Experts Design?
- Lecture 20: Advanced iOS Supplemental
- Lecture 20: Advanced iOS
- Lecture 19: Advanced Android
- Lecture 18: Intermediate Android
- Lecture 17: Intermediate iOS
- Lecture 16: Introduction to iOS
- Lecture 13: Introduction To Objective-C
- Lecture 12: Introduction to Android
- Lecture 11: Introduction to Java
- Lecture 10: Strategy, Bridge, and Factory Design Patterns
- Lecture 09: Expanding Our Horizons
- Lecture 08: Facade & Adapter
- Lecture 07: Design Patterns
- Lecture 06: Problem Domain & Initial Design
- Lecture 05: More OO Fundamentals
- Lecture 03 & 04: UML & OO Fundamentals
- Lecture 02: The OO Paradigm
- Lecture 01: Course Overview
- Code
- Lecture 30: Sample Code
- Lecture 27: Sample Code
- Lecture 26: Sample Code
- Lecture 25: Sample Code
- Lecture 24: Sample Code
- Lecture20: Supplemental Sample Code
- Lecture 20: Sample Code
- Lecture 19: Sample Code
- Lecture 18: Sample Code
- Lecture17: Sample Code
- Lecture 16: Sample Code
- Lecture 13: Sample Code
- Lecture 12: Sample Code
- Lecture 11: Sample Code
- Example of Homework 3 Output
- Lecture 10: Sample Code
- Lecture 08: Sample Code
- Lecture 07: Sample Code
- Lecture 05: Sample Code
- Lecture 02: Sample Code
- Assignments
- Presentations
- Aydin — Spring and Dependency Injection
- Bao and Shen — Domain Driven Design
- Baur — libGDX
- Cardenas — Django
- Dhall and Sundararaman — C# and .NET
- Duncan — GRASP
- Ellis — Windows Presentation Foundation
- Gangadharabhatla — C# and .NET
- Gatchell — OOP in C
- Gibson — Responsibility Driven Design
- Goldberg — Breaking Encapsulation Via Reflection
- Guyles — Composite Structure and Component Diagrams
- Howard — Microsoft XNA Framework
- Jakositz — Scala
- Johnson — C#
- Kanetkar — Java Concurrency Framework
- Kong and Zhang — Generation of Code from UML
- Larson — Object Persistence
- Li — OO Design with Python
- Lingala — Android
- Lynch — Apache Shiro
- Mahajan — Django
- Mannar — Ruby on Rails
- Mehta — C++ to Java
- Michel — Skunkweb
- Myrose — iOS Design Patterns
- Neri — Guice
- Pai — Python 3
- Parker and Di Natale — Cocos2d
- Parthan and Kamat — Java Concurrency Framework
- Rao — GRASP Design Principles
- Roads — Domain-Driven Design
- Sharma — Python 3
- Singh and Singh — OOP in Python
- Srivastava — OOP in C
- St. Denis — UML
- Summer - Drupal Screencast
- Summer — Drupal
- Torpe — OOP using C++
- Udayashankar and Gopalakrishna — OO Databases
- Vaish — Ruby on Rails
- Vantipalli — Android
- Wood — Responsibility-Driven Design
- Xia — Concurrency in C++
- Grades
- Syllabus Statements
- TeachForAmerica.pdf
- Site Map