Opportunity to join a Start-Up

Pedro Torres is looking for developers with skills in iOS, Android, and Web development to join a start-up that he is helping to create called of X Stunts. He writes:

We are looking for someone interested in being part of a startup. You would essentially be working on the development of Android and iOS apps and a supporting website, as well as developing APIs with Facebook & Twitter. It's a great opportunity to gain some hardcore experience and get to be part of a pretty sweet startup.

We are currently consolidating important partnerships and have a solid strategy lined up. We use mobile apps and our website to engage our users, but we do considerably more things as well. Through our Apps and Website:

  1. We provide a comprehensive list of available tricks for certain sports, with each trick showing a short video that explains the knowledge, approach and execution needed to perform the trick.
  2. We allow users to share their action sport pictures and videos by integrating Facebook into our platform.
  3. We have a search engine that allows our users to find events. They can search by area, type of sport, competitions, hosts, sponsors, etc.
  4. Given the achievements and experience points obtained by each user, we can determine the level of proficiency that each user has. Therefore, we can offer tailored equipment discounts, sponsorship opportunities and event invitations.

If you're interested, please shoot an email ASAP to info@xstunts.com, as we are building the rest of team quite quickly.


X Stunts team

© Ken Anderson 2012