Liz Bradley

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Research Interests:

My current focus is on the analysis of time-series data from complex adaptive nonlinear systems. I use a variety of approaches, ranging from the traditional ones from nonlinear dynamics (delay reconstruction, Lyapunov exponents, etc.) to information theory and topological data analysis.

In the past, I have done some work in the area of artificial intelligence: in particular, computer tools that autonomously analyze and/or design things. My focus has largely shifted away from this area. Please note!!! I do not currently work on AI -- including machine learning -- nor do I plan to in the future. Please do not contact me about projects in that area.

Current projects:

Some past projects:

Many of the links in the "Current Projects" section above point to documents that describe current research opportunities. These range from one-semester undergraduate research projects through M.S. and Ph.D. theses to postdoctoral appointments. Please shoot me an email message if you're interested in any of these opportunities. And I'm happy to work with smart, independent students on projects of their own choosing, even if I don't know much about the associated area. As noted above, that does not extend to machine learning.