Liz Bradley

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All three of my degrees are from M.I.T., but I no longer consider myself an alumnus, given the MIT administration's handling of the Senior House matter.
University of Colorado Assistant Professor, 1992-1999; Associate Professor, 1999-2004; Professor, 2004-present. Chair, 2003-2006
Harvard University Visiting Scholar, Spring 1997, AY 1999/2000, and AY 2013/2014
Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study Fellow, 2006/2007

Curriculum vitae: here

Memberships, Awards, Etc.:
President's Teaching Scholar (the University of Colorado system's highest recognition of excellence in and active commitment to learning, scholarly teaching and research and creative work)
2024 Outstanding Advisor Award (This award recognizes faculty and/or staff advisors in the College ofEngineering & Applied Sciences who demonstrate exceptional advising skills and who serve as role models to other advisors.)
1999 John & Mercedes Peebles Innovation in Teaching Award (The yearly student-voted College of Engineering teaching award)
CU GOLD Faculty Integrity Award (The yearly student-voted CU-wide award to faculty who "have demonstrated their consistent dedication to teaching of living the virtues of academic integrity")
1993-1998 NSF National Young Investigator
1995-2000 Packard Fellow
External Faculty, Santa Fe Institute
Senior Member, IEEE
Editor, Chaos
Program Chair or Co-Chair: the 2003 and 2011 editions of the International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, as well as Dynamics Days 2006, International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning 2008, and various other conferences.
AAUW Dissertation Fellowship
Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi
5th place, Rowing, Four with Coxswain. 1988 Olympic Games. Here's a blog post from Nature that talks a bit about blending science and sport.
'88 Olympic Games '88 Olympic W4+ 30 Years
        Later '88 Olympic Games

"Powder snow skiing is not fun. It's life, fully lived, life lived in a blaze of reality." - Dolores LaChapelle

But bumps are pretty fun too... ...especially at Mary Jane.
And then there's football...

The other Professor Bradley in the family: