E. Bradley,
"Universality in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems"
Foundational Papers in Complexity Science, D. Krakauer, Ed.,
Santa Fe Institute Press, 2024. |
| E. Bradley, J. W. C. White, and
J. Garland,
"Thoughtful Data Analysis," CHAOS 34:101502 (2024).
| D. Du, A. C. Subramanian, W. Han, W. E. Chapman,
J. B. Weiss, and
E. Bradley,
"Increase in MJO Predictability Under Global Warming," Nature
Climate Change 14:68-74 (2024).
| G. Gharooni-Fard, M. Byers, V. Deshmukh,
E. Bradley, C. Mayo, C. Topaz, and
O. Peleg, "A Computational
Topology-based Spatiotemporal Analysis Technique for Honeybee
Aggregation," npj Complexity 1:3 (2024).
| V. Deshmukh, S. Bhaskar, T. Berger, E. Bradley,
and J. D. Meiss,
feature sets and machine-learning models for prediction of solar
flares: Topology, physics, and model complexity," Astronomy &
Astrophysics 674:A159 (2023).
| V. Deshmukh, R. Meikle, E. Bradley, J.
D. Meiss, and
J. Garland,
"Using scaling-region distributions to select embedding
parameters," Physica D 446:133674 (2023).
| S. Molnar, E. Bradley, and
K. Gruchalla,
"Oscillatory spreading and inertia in power
grids," CHAOS 31:123103 (2021).
| V. Deshmukh, E. Bradley, J. Garland, and
J. D. Meiss,
"Towards automated extraction and characterization of scaling regions
in dynamical systems," CHAOS 31:123102 (2021). DOI:
| I've worked on a number of white papers and
workshop reports for the
Computing Research
Association's Computing Community Consortium, an
organization that I chaired for a number of years. Here are
some of those resources; you can find more under the
"Resources" tab of the CCC website listed above.
| Some publicity/thought pieces in other venues:
- A
2020 College
of Engineering article about the work of the Computing
Community Consortium (CCC).
- A 2020
podcast from the
CCC about our work on ice cores and chaos theory.
- A
article and a
podcast from Nature about being a scientist, teacher, mentor...and
| V. Deshmukh, T. Berger, J. D. Meiss, and
E. Bradley,
"Shape-based Feature Engineering for Solar Flare Prediction,"
IAAI (Proceedings of the 33rd Conference on Innovative Applications of
Artificial Intelligence), February 2021.
Preprint available
on arxiv |
| M. Neuder, E. Bradley, E. Dlugokencky, J. White,
J. Garland, "Detection
of Local Mixing in Time-Series Data Using Permutation Entropy,"
Physical Review E 103, 022217 (2021). Preprint
on arxiv |
| G. Gharooni Fard, E. Bradley, and O. Peleg,
"Data-Driven Modeling of Resource Distribution in Honeybee Swarms,"
ALife 2020 pp324-332. Preprint available
on bioarxiv. |
| V. Deshmukh, E. Bradley, J. Garland, and
J. D. Meiss, "Using
Curvature to Select the Time Lag for Delay
Reconstruction," CHAOS 30:053108 (2020). Preprint
available on
| V. Deshmukh, T. Berger, E. Bradley, and
J. D. Meiss,
"Leveraging the Mathematics of Shape for Solar Magnetic Eruption
Prediction," Journal of Space Weather and Space
Climate 10:13 (2020); doi.org/10.1051/swsc/2020014.
| J. Garland, T. R. Jones, M. Neuder,
J. W. C. White, and E.
"An information-theoretic approach to extracting climate signals from
deep polar ice cores,"
CHAOS 29 101105 (2019)
| Khider, D. et al.,
1.0: A Crowdsourced Reporting Standard for Paleoclimate Data,"
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 34:1570 (2019);
doi:10.1029/2019PA003632. Spotlighted in
| J. Garland and E.
Bradley, "Information
Theory in Earth and Space Science," SIAM News, October 2018
| J. Emile-Geay and D. Khider and D. Garijo and
N. McKay and Y. Gil and V. Ratnatkar and E. Bradley,
"The Linked Earth Ontology : A Modular, Extensible Representation of
Open Paleoclimate Data," Earth Science Informatics, May
| E. Bradley, T. Nelson, and L. Rassbach de Vesine,
Artificial intelligence for age-depth
modeling," PAGES 26:72 (2018)
| J. Garland, T. R. Jones, V. Morris, M. Neuder,
J. W. C. White, E. Bradley,
Detection in Paleoclimate Records using Information Theory," Entropy 20:931 (2018)
| N. Sanderson, E. Shugerman, S. Molnar, J. Meiss,
and E. Bradley,
"Computational Topology
Techniques for Characterizing Time-Series Data",
IDA-17 (Proceedings of
the 13th International Symposium on Intelligent Data
Analysis), London, October 2017. |
| J. Garland, E. Bradley, and J. Meiss,
"Exploring the topology of dynamical reconstructions,"
Physica D 334:49-59 (2016). Preprint available on arxiv. |
| J. Garland, R. James, and E. Bradley,
"Leveraging information storage to select forecast-optimal parameters
for delay-coordinate reconstructions,"
Physical Review E 93:022221 (2016). Preprint available
on arxiv (with a
different title: "A new method for choosing parameters in delay
reconstruction-based forecast strategies") |
| J. Garland and E. Bradley,
"Prediction in projection," Chaos 25:123108 (2015);
http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4936242. Preprint available on arxiv. |
| E. Bradley, A. Motter, and L. Pecora,
"Introduction to Focus Issue: The 25th Anniversary of Chaos:
Perspectives on Nonlinear Science--Past, Present, and Future"
25:097501 (2015). doi: 10.1063/1.4931448. Here is a link to
the Focus
Issue itself.
| E. Bradley and H. Kantz,
"Nonlinear time-series analysis revisited" Chaos
25: 097610 (2015). DOI: 10.1063/1.4917289. Preprint available
on arxiv. 6th most
highly cited paper in Chaos in 2017. |
| E. Komendera, J. Garland, D. Scheeres, and
E. Bradley,
``Efficiently Evaluating Reachable Sets in the Circular Restricted
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and
Electronic Systems 51:454-467 (2015).
| Z. Alexander, E. Bradley, J. D. Meiss, and N.
Sanderson, "Simplicial
Multivalued Maps and the Witness Complex for Dynamical Analysis of
Time Series" SIAM Dynamical Systems 14:1278-1307
(2015). Preprint available at arxiv. |
| J. Garland, R. James, and E. Bradley,
"Model-Free Quantification of Time-Series Predictability,"
Physical Review E 90:052910 (2014). Preprint available
at arxiv. |
| N. Look, C. Arellano, A. Grabowski,
W. McDermott, R. Kram, and E. Bradley, "Dynamic stability of running: The
effects of speed and leg amputations on the maximal Lyapunov
Chaos 23:043131 (2013). doi: 10.1063/1.4837095. The pdf file
above is copyright 2013 American Institute of Physics. This article
may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior
permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The
published version may be found here.
This work was also spotlighted in
Physics Today "Physics Updates". |
| J. Garland and E. Bradley, "On the importance of
nonlinear modeling in computer performance prediction," IDA-13
(Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Intelligent Data
Analysis), London, October 2013. Best paper ("Frontier") prize
recipient. Preprint available at arxiv. |
| L. Rassbach de Vesine, K. Anderson, M. Zreda,
C. Zweck, and E. Bradley,
"Forensic Reasoning about Paleoclimatology," the AAAI
Fall Symposium on Discovery Informatics, Arlington VA,
November 2013. |
| E. Komendera, D. Scheeres, and E. Bradley, ``Intelligent Computation of Reachability
Sets for Space Missions,''
IAAI-12 (Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Innovative
Applications of Artificial Intelligence), Toronto; July 2012.
| E. Bradley, E. Komendera, and D. Scheeres,
``Efficiently Locating Impact and Escape Scenarios in Spacecraft
Reachability Sets,'' AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist
Conference, Minneapolis; doi: 10.2514/6.2012-4810; eISBN:
978-1-62410-182-3; August 2012. |
| C. Zweck, M. Zreda, E. Bradley, and K. Anderson,
"The Theoretical Basis for ACE, an Age Calculation Engine for
Cosmogenic Nuclides," Chemical Geology
291:199--205 (2012). doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2011.10.005.
| C. Phillips, L. Becker, and E. Bradley,
``Strange Beta: An assistance system for indoor rock climbing route
setting using chaotic variations and machine learning,''
22:013130 (2012). Extended preprint available as Technical
Report CU-CS (Department of Computer Science)
CU-CS-1088-11. |
| Z. Alexander, E. Bradley, J. Garland and
J. Meiss, "Iterated
Function System Models in Data Analysis: Detection and
22:023103 (2012). Preliminary version available at arxiv; full preprint
available as Technical Report CU-CS (Department of Computer Science)
CU-CS-1087-11. |
| R. Hoenigman, E. Bradley, N. Barger,
"Water Conservation Through Facilitation on Residential Landscapes,"
in Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI) San Francisco; August 2011. Here's a
news feature about this project from the BioFrontiers Institute
| J. Garland and E. Bradley, "Predicting
Computer Performance Dynamics," in
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis X, Springer
Lecture Notes in Computer Science volume 7014, 2011 |
| L. Rassbach, E. Bradley, and
K. Anderson, "Providing Decision Support
for Cosmogenic Isotope Dating," AI Magazine 32:69-78
(2011) |
| R. Hoenigman, A. Lim, and E. Bradley,
"Cooperation in Bike Racing:
When to Work Together and When to Go It Alone,"
Complexity 17:39-44 (2011). Excerpted in Complexity
Digest. |
| N. Ross, J. Hertzberg, and E. Bradley,
"Discretization of the
Vorticity Field of a Planar Jet," Experiments in Fluids
49:1161 (2010) |
| T. Mytkowicz, A. Diwan, and E. Bradley,
"Computers Are Dynamical Systems," Chaos
19:033124 (2009); doi:10.1063/1.3187791 |
| E. Bradley, D. Capps, J. Luftig, and J. Stuart,
"Towards Stylistic Consonance in Human
Movement Synthesis,"
Open AI Journal 4:1-19 (2010). Extended version
available as Technical Report CU-CS (Department of Computer Science)
CU-CS-1029-07. |
| J. Giardino, J. Hertzberg, and
E. Bradley,
"A Calibration Procedure for Millimeter-Scale Stereomicroscopic
Particle Image Velocimetry," Experiments in Fluids
45:1037--1045. (2008) |
| T. Peacock and E. Bradley, "Going with
(or against) the Flow," Science 320:1302 (2008).
| K. Anderson, E. Bradley, M. Zreda, L. Rassbach,
C. Zweck, and E. Sheehan. "ACE: Age
Calculation Engine: A Design Environment for Cosmogenic Dating
Techniques". In Proceedings of the International Conference on
Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in
Sciences. Nov. 2007. |
| A. Hogan, R. Stolle, and E. Bradley, "Agenda
control for heterogeneous reasoners," J. Logic and Algebraic
Programming, 62:41-69 (2005) |
| J. Garnett, Adaptive Nonlinear Resource Distribution
Control, Ph.D. thesis, 2004. |
| T. Peacock, E. Bradley, J. Hertzberg, and
Y-C. Lee,
"Forcing a Planar Jet Flow with MEMS," Experiments in
Fluids 37:22-28 (2004). |
| Z. Ma, E. Bradley, T. Peacock, J. Hertzberg, and
Y-C. Lee, "Solder-assembled large MEMS flaps for fluid mixing,"
IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging 26:268-276
(2003). |
| V. Robins, N. Rooney, and E. Bradley, "Topology-based signal
separation" Chaos, 14:305-316 (2004). |
| V. Robins, J. Abernethy, N. Rooney, and
E. Bradley, "Topology and intelligent data
analysis" Intelligent Data Analysis 8:505-515
| E. Bradley and R. Mantilla, "Recurrence plots and unstable periodic
orbits." Chaos 12:596-600 (2002). |
| E. Bradley, N. Collins, and W. Kegelmeyer, "Feature characterization in
scientific datasets," IDA-01 (International Symposium on
Intelligent Data Analysis), Lisbon; September 2001. |
| E. Bradley, M. Easley, and R. Stolle, "Reasoning about nonlinear system
identification," Artificial Intelligence,
133:139-188 (2001)
| V. Robins, J. Meiss, and E. Bradley, "Computing connectedness:
Disconnectedness and discreteness," Physica D
139:276-300. (2000) |
| E. Bradley, D. Capps, and A. Rubin, "Can computers learn to dance?,"
International Dance & Technology (IDAT), Tempe AZ, Feb
1999. |
| M. Easley and E. Bradley, "Generalized physical networks for model
building," Proceedings International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Stockholm, August 1999.
| E. Bradley, "Time-series analysis," in
M. Berthold and D. Hand, editors,
Intelligent Data Analysis: An Introduction, Springer Verlag,
1999. |
| E. Bradley and J. Stuart, "Using chaos to generate variations
on movement sequences," Chaos, 8:800-807
(1998) |
| J. Iwanski and
E. Bradley,
"Recurrence plot analysis: To embed or not to
embed?," Chaos, 8:861-871 (1998).
| E. Bradley, A. O'Gallagher, and J. Rogers, "Global solutions for nonlinear systems
using qualitative reasoning," Annals of Mathematics and
Artificial Intelligence, 23:211-228 (1998) |
| J. Stuart and E. Bradley, "Learning the grammar of dance,"
Proceedings International Conference on Machine Learning
(ICML-98), Madison, Wisconsin, July 1998. |
| V. Robins, J. Meiss, and E. Bradley, "Computing connectedness: An
exercise in computational topology," Nonlinearity,
11:913-922 (1998). |
| J. Dixon, E. Bradley, and Z. Popovic, "Nonlinear
time-domain analysis of injection-locked microwave MESFET
oscillators," IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Technique,
45:1050-1057 (1997). |
E. Bradley and D. Straub, "Using
chaos to broaden the capture range of a phase-locked loop:
Experimental verification" IEEE Transactions on Circuits and
Systems, 43:914-922 (1996). |
| E. Bradley and R. Stolle, "Automatic construction of accurate
models of physical systems" the Annals of Mathematics and
Artificial Intelligence, 17:1-28, (1996). |
E. Bradley, "Autonomous exploration
and control of chaotic systems" Cybernetics and Systems,
26:299-319 (1995). |
E. Bradley, "Using chaos to broaden the capture range of a
phase-locked loop" IEEE Transactions on Circuits and
Systems, 40:808-818 (1993) |