Professor Liz Bradley

Complex Systems Group
Department of Computer Science

Joint Appointment with
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Liz at Mt. Audubon

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Other affiliations:
The Department of Applied Mathematics
The Santa Fe Institute (member of the external faculty & the Science Board)
The Colorado Biofrontiers Institute (member of the Council)
The Computing Research Association's Computing Community Consortium (chair emerita)

Summer Office Hours:
By appointment; please send email.

Course Materials:
Chaotic Dynamics (CSCI 4446/5446)
MOOC on nonlinear dynamics (through the Santa Fe Institute's Complexity Explorer website)
New PhD Student Seminar (CSCI 6000)

Current Research Collaborators:
Morgan Byers, PhD student, Computer Science.
Lily Cothren, PhD student, Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Varad Deshmukh, Meta.
Joshua Garland, Associate Research Professor, Arizona State University (more on Joshua in the "Alumni" section below).
Golnar Gharooni Fard, PhD student, Computer Science (in collaboration with Orit Peleg).
Jim Meiss, Professor, Applied Mathematics.
Corey Murphey, PhD student, Computer Science (in collaboration with Jed Brown and Allison Hilger).
Orit Peleg, Assistant Professor, Computer Science.

Graduate/Postgraduate Research Alumni:
Jenny Abernethy is at CSIRO in Australia.
Zach Alexander is Microsoft Research.
Srinivas Bhaskar is at Google.
Nancy Collins is at NCAR.
Varad Deshmukh is at Meta.
Matt Easley is Associate Dean of Joint Warfighting and Professor, College of Information and Cyberspace, National Defense University.
Joshua Garland is an Associate Research Professor in the Global Security Initiative at Arizona State University (see link above). Here's a nice feature about him from DSWeb and a link to his thesis
James Garnett is somewhere in the Pacific Northwest.
Kenny Gruchalla leads the scientific visualization group at NREL.
Stephen Heck is at Sandia.
Rhonda Hoenigman is still at the University of Colorado Boulder, but now in the Dean's office.
Joe Iwanski is at the Dwight Englewood School outside New York City.
Ryan James is in Jim Crutchfield's group at UC Davis.
Samantha Molnar is at NREL.
Todd Mytkowicz is at Microsoft Research.
Mike Neuder is at Google.
Tom Peacock is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at M.I.T.
Laura Rassbach de Vesine is at Google.
Vanessa Robins is an Associate Professor in Fundamental and Theoretical Physics at the Australian National University.
Natalie Ross is at Google.
Reinhard Stolle is with Audi's autonomous vehicles division.
Josh Stuart is a Professor of Biomolecular Engineering at UC Santa Cruz, and the winner of CU's 2006 Kalpana Chawla award. Click here to read about some of what Josh has been up to lately.
Elizabeth White took an instructor position at the University of Colorado after finishing her Ph.D.

Contact Information:
Email: lizb(at)cs[dot]colorado{dot}edu
Phone: +1-303-492-5355
Fax: +1-303-492-2844
Mail: University of Colorado 430 UCB
Department of Computer Science
Boulder, CO 80309-0430 USA

Check out the home page of the Computer Science Department at the University of Colorado for more information.