What's New
Homework 6 Grades
I've finished grading the semester projects and have updated the Grades page for the final time. I was very impressed with the demos that the class produced this year. Thank you.
I will be submitting final grades to ISIS tonight and they should be available in a couple of days.
Have a great winter break!
Submissions for Homework 6
I have now created an entry on the moodle for you to upload your project report and source code for your semester project. See the moodle for details. Thanks!
My failed Rails demo
It took me a bit, but I figured out why my Rails demo failed. I was still using Rails 3.0.7 but on Sunday I had determined that Rails 3.0.7 has a bug that causes rake to crash (as we saw). So, I had to upgrade to Rails 3.0.9 and then everything worked. So, I'll finish the demo on Thursday. FYI.
Good morning! I have 47 project demos to view this week. It is VERY important that you arrive early and are ready to begin your demo at the appointed time. Each demo is scheduled for 15 minutes, so you need to be ready to show me your system, step me through its features, and answer questions, right when your demo slot begins. If you have your report ready, then please hand it to me at the start of your demo (be sure to upload it into the moodle as well).
All demos will take place in my office, DLC 170 (2nd floor of the Discovery Learning Center), unless we made arrangements to do the demo by phone or skype.
Please do NOT be late to your demo. On Wednesday afternoon, for instance, I have 12 demos scheduled back to back. Even a few minutes late will disrupt the entire schedule and I have to leave promptly at the end of my last demo that day.
I'm writing this message as we're not off to a great start. My first demo was scheduled for 9 AM this morning and it appears that both students forgot about it. I cannot afford for this to happen on any of my other demos.
So, please, PLEASE, be ready for your demo when it was scheduled. Thank you.
Lectures 29 and 30
The slides for Lecture 29 and the slides for Lecture 30 are now available. The sample code for Lecture 30 is also available.
I have uploaded all of the graduate student presentations to the website. On the Presentations page, is a slide show that displays the executive summaries for each presentation. You can click on the slide show to be taken to the currently displayed page and from there follow links to read the presentation and access any supplemental material (such as source code). Enjoy!
Opportunity to join a Start-Up
Pedro Torres is looking for developers with skills in iOS, Android, and Web development to join a start-up that he is helping to create called of X Stunts. He writes:
We are looking for someone interested in being part of a startup. You would essentially be working on the development of Android and iOS apps and a supporting website, as well as developing APIs with Facebook & Twitter. It's a great opportunity to gain some hardcore experience and get to be part of a pretty sweet startup.
We are currently consolidating important partnerships and have a solid strategy lined up. We use mobile apps and our website to engage our users, but we do considerably more things as well. Through our Apps and Website:
- We provide a comprehensive list of available tricks for certain sports, with each trick showing a short video that explains the knowledge, approach and execution needed to perform the trick.
- We allow users to share their action sport pictures and videos by integrating Facebook into our platform.
- We have a search engine that allows our users to find events. They can search by area, type of sport, competitions, hosts, sponsors, etc.
- Given the achievements and experience points obtained by each user, we can determine the level of proficiency that each user has. Therefore, we can offer tailored equipment discounts, sponsorship opportunities and event invitations.
If you're interested, please shoot an email ASAP to info@xstunts.com, as we are building the rest of team quite quickly.
X Stunts team
CAETE students: You should have received an e-mail message pointing you to an on-line survey that allows you to rate me as an instructor, rate this course, and provide feedback.
In-Class Students: FCQ forms will be filled in today when I'm finished with my prepared slides on refactoring.
I read these surveys and will take your feedback into account for future versions of this class! Thanks.
Update on Student Demos
There are 99 students enrolled in this class and so far 76 students have confirmed demo slots for next week. I need the remaining 23 students to select demo slots via the Doodle poll as soon as possible. Thanks.
Updated Due Date for Homework 6
My apologies but due to circumstances beyond my control, I need to change the due date of Homework 6 from Friday, December 14th to Thursday, December 13th. I will be sending an e-mail message to all registered students later today to explain the reason for this change and to provide you with a URL to a site that I'll be using to schedule the demos.
Grades for Homeworks 4 and 5
The grades for Homeworks 4 and 5 are now available on the Grades page. I will be sending an e-mail message to the entire class to provide the contact info for the Grader. If you have a question about your scores for these assignments, please contact the grader first.