What's New
Wednesday, November 14, 2001
8:49:19 PM
Anis sent in two URLs, related to the semantic web (although I couldn't get the first to work...it appears to require the flash plug-in):
10:54:09 AM
I have updated the presentations area to contain the presentations given this week and last week. I have also updated the class schedule to reflect what we've been doing the last four weeks!
10:37:55 AM
The URL for the tutorial on annontating a webpage with Semantic Web information, using RDF, is:
Tuesday, November 6, 2001
11:42:28 AM
9:56:26 AM
Internship Information: A local company, Noonetime <http://www.noonetime.com/>, has several internship positions available that will start on January 2, 2002. Noonetime develops tools to convert legacy business data into extensible markup language (XML) as well as tools to process that information once the conversion is complete. Positions available include junior software developer, junior quality assurance associate, junior professional services developer, and co-op/Intern for Marketing/Sales/Business Development. If you are interested, send me e-mail.
Thursday, November 1, 2001
12:36:15 AM
The presentations for yesterday's class section on RDF and the Jena API for RDF are now available in the presentations section of this website. FYI.
Wednesday, October 24, 2001
10:25:32 AM
Here is the paper I mentioned in class today. It is called "Unifying Strategies for Web Augmentation" and it presents a framework for understanding all the different ways that open hypermedia can be integrated into the World Wide Web. Please take a look at it and send a short summary of the paper (no more than one page) to me via e-mail.
Wednesday, October 17, 2001
9:02:04 AM
I made a mistake this week and forgot to post the link to the Open Hypermedia background paper before class. Sorry about that! The link is below...please review it for next week's class.
Monday, October 15, 2001
7:27:02 AM
Here is the paper I mentioned at the end of class, last week. It is called the "Flag Taxonomy of Open Hypermedia Systems" and should provide some background for Wednesday's lecture on Open Hypermedia. Please read it, and send me a short summary plus any questions that you have after reading it (by Wednesday morning, if possible.)
Wednesday, October 10, 2001
12:05:35 PM
Remember: Each project team should create a topic on the class weblog to serve as a central place for coordinating and recording design decisions about your project.
12:04:46 PM
Thanks for the fun class session today. I have added today's presentations to the presentations section of this website.
Thursday, October 4, 2001
11:03:22 AM
I've added some project ideas to our Manilla weblog. Go check it out!
10:47:04 AM
Don't forget: This is the week that I want you to settle on project ideas and form teams...so please come prepared next week to form up into teams!
10:39:19 AM
I have added recent class presentations to the presentations site. I've updated the class schedule and the bibliography as well.
Wednesday, September 26, 2001
3:07:36 PM
I have added Jing's presentation on XML-RPC to the presentations directory. I'll add the SOAP presentation as soon as Jill sends it to me...
Thursday, September 20, 2001
11:04:36 AM
Okay, I think I have the discussion group fixed on the class weblog. Go check it out and participate in the class projects discussion.
10:11:54 AM
Homework 3 is now available.
10:02:49 AM
Note: Our Manilla weblog is somewhat broken...I haven't been able to configure the discussion group correctly, or get a link to it to appear on the homepage. I'm going to try to get that fixed today. Patience!
10:02:16 AM
Student presentations are now available. Follow the link at your left.
Tuesday, September 18, 2001
11:58:43 AM
This week's CATS lecture: Tomorrow at 4 PM in ECCR 1B51 a talk will be given on the Jabber system entitled "XML-Based Messaging with Jabber" given by the developer of the Jabber system, Peter Saint-Andre.
Tuesday, September 11, 2001
12:31:30 PM
Okay, I've created a weblog for CSCI 7818. Please access the weblog and sign-up to be a member. Lets use the discussion group to talk about team project ideas and to help facilitate the process of creating teams.
12:15:16 PM
This week's CATS lecture: Tomorrow's Colorado Advanced Technology Series lecture is called "How XML is being used to solve real-world problems" and will be presented by Chris Zeiner, president of Noonetime. CATS talks are held every Wednesday afternoon, from 4 PM to 5 PM in ECCR 1B51. Refreshments are served after the talk.
Friday, September 7, 2001
3:38:29 PM
The bibliography has been updated with two essential XML-related URLs. One takes you to the W3C page on XML, which provides access to a lot of different XML standards, while the second URL points to one of the better websites that tackles XML as a topic.
3:33:16 PM
Assignment 2 is now available.
Thursday, August 30, 2001
12:25:44 PM
Homepage for Tim Berners-Lee: <http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/>
12:18:40 PM
Assignment 1, creating a weblog, is now available. It just documents what I said in class yesterday.
12:08:36 PM
I just noticed, I linked to the Netcraft webserver survey from the course announcement. If you wanted more information on the survey, be sure to check it out!
12:03:06 PM
I have updated the evaluation criteria section of the website. FYI.
11:51:39 AM
With respect to class presentations: You are more than welcome to use my laptop to give your presentation. Just send me your presentation (Powerpoint, PDF, and HTML only please), the night before class (or at least in the morning before class)!
11:50:53 AM
The class schedule has been slightly updated. Next week's intro lecture will be on XML.
11:26:42 AM
I really enjoyed the class yesterday and I hope you did too. I have placed the URLs that I discussed at the end of class in the Course Bibliography (which, like a weblog, is organized in a time-based manner!). I have also placed a link to V. Bush's "As We May Think" in the bibliography. Read this paper and send me a short summary of/reaction to this paper via e-mail before the next class session. Your summary can be brief...but not too brief! As a guideline, if you were to print your message it should fill about 3/4 of a page.
Thursday, June 28, 2001
1:59:32 PM
A course announcement is now available.
1:12:27 PM
This website is coming on-line. (I'm working on my class websites early this year!) The information on this website is preliminary until I post a message saying otherwise. Stay Tuned for a course announcement!