funding opportunities

Information about temporary opportunities

Funding Opportunities

We will post short term funding opportunities here. Please read the requirements carefully and also pay heed to the due date for these. Emailing Sriram after the due date may not elicit a response.

  • Due Date: May 22, 2024 We are looking for a temporary post-doctoral researcher with expertise in formal methods and robotics to work on a project funded by an industry sponsor. A PhD in computer science focusing on formal methods and robotics is required. Position Duties include:
    • Implement a python package for timed partial order specifications and planning using mixed integer optimization. Also implement an API for specifying transition systems and interfaces to Ros so that the plans may execute on actual hardware platforms.
    • Create benchmark problems to illustrate the capabililties of the python package and at the same time enable timing comprisons with other solutions such as using google OR tools package.
    • Coordinate the work with sponsors (Toyota motors) through regular meetings.
    • Work on publication explaining the technical contributions. Please email your CV to Sriram Sankaranarayanan.
  • Due Date: Nov 28, 2023 We are looking for an undergraduate students willing to work up to 10 hours a week at $25/hour on analyzing data about human interactions with CPS. A background in applied mathematics + computer science would be essential since the project combines aspects of robotics, cyber-physical systems, formal logic and evalulating human skills in a framework that we are developing. Familiarity with ordinary differential equations (ODEs) for modeling physical systems, working with data and advanced programming language skills needed. A student who has taken CSCI 3155 with Prof. Sankaranarayanan and performed well with them would be strongly preferred since the class introduces some background in logic and semantics that would come in handy for this work. Dates: Jan 1 - may 15, 2024.

  • Due Date: August 3, 2023 We are looking for a MS student in Computer Science who has taken graduate algorithms and done well to help Sriram with the creation of assessments and review materials for an online course under preparation. Student must be a MS student should have taken CSCI 5454 and preferably CSCI 5654 in the past two years. 20 hours/week at $35/hour. Dates: August 7 - 31, 2023.

  • Due Date: August 3, 2023 We are looking for an undergraduate students willing to work up to 10 hours a week at $25/hour on analyzing data about human interactions with CPS. A background in applied mathematics + computer science would be essential since the project combines aspects of robotics, cyber-physical systems, formal logic and evalulating human skills in a framework that we are developing. Familiarity with ordinary differential equations (ODEs) for modeling physical systems, working with data and advanced programming language skills needed. A student who has taken CSCI 3155 with Prof. Sankaranarayanan and performed well with them would be strongly preferred since the class introduces some background in logic and semantics that would come in handy for this work. Dates: August 31 - December 31, 2023.