CSCI 2824: LectureThese notes are for the part of lecture alphabet sequences for roughly the first 10-15 minutes of the lecture. In this lecture, we will cover the following concepts:
This lecture corresponds to section 1.3 in Ensley and Crawley's book. LogicIn a very crude sense, logic is the assembly language of mathematics (or philosophy). Logic can be defined as the study of reasoning itself or the study of techniques for drawing valid conclusions from premises. Understanding Logic is very important to computing at many levels. For instance, propositional Logic and propositional connectives such as AND, OR and NOT form the basic building block of digital circuits from which we build modern computers. Logic is also key to areas of CS such as automata theory, programming language semantics and artificial intelligence. Smullyan's Liar/Truth-Teller PuzzlesRaymond Smullyan has written many books with puzzles that illustrate the beauty behind logic and formal systems (Instructor's favorite: To Mock A Mockingbird, a great way of thinking about combinatory Logic and functional programming). The liar and truth teller puzzles all assume that we are on some island and there are two types of people on this island:
Each puzzle gives us some statements that people make and you have to analyze who is a liar and who is a truth teller. Assume that there are no physical characteristics to differentiate each type from the other. Let us do some warm up questions: PuzzleSuppose I asked a person in this island the question: “Are you a liar?”. What would be their answer? PuzzleWe meet two people in the island and make the following remarks at the same time:
Puzzles like these are best analyzed using truth tables. The idea is that we are going to evaluate every possible situation and see which ones “make sense”. Let us do this informally.
PuzzleLet us try this in class:
PuzzleThis one is tricky but doable. Whoever first gives me the answer gets a free drink of their choice at the celestial seasonings cafe in the engineering lobby: Two people A and B in the island are either both liars or both truth tellers. But we do not know which is the case. We wish to reach the castle which is either on path to the left or the path to the right. What question should we ask one or both of them so that we can find out which path leads to the castle? Note The question or questions that you ask have to be explicitly about the castle and whether to take left or right. The instructors gut reaction was to ask A if Socrates is still alive (or the sun rose in the east yesterday) and B which is the way to the castle, but that does not count apparently!! Propositional LogicWhat are propositions? Propositions are simply statements that can receive a true or false valuation. Examples of propositions:
While studying propositional logic, we do not really care about what the proposition itself “means” just that it is either true or it is false. Therefore, we simply use propositional variables (also called Boolean variables) to represent propositions. Why this? Just makes it nice and algebra like. We use letters like and so on to represent propositions. Propositional Logic FormulaeFormulae in propositional logic are defined as follows:
Let us try some examples. Read the following propositional formulae aloud:
We evaluate propositional formulae using truth tables. Truth Table for AND
Each row represents some kind of a situation. For example, the top most row represents the situation when propositions and are both ’'true’’. Then we conclude that the formula in this situation is also ’'true’’. Logicians call these situations models. In this case, a Logician would say that the truth assignment is a model of the formula . In other words, if you imagine a situation wherein the proposition is true and the proposition is true then in that situation formula is true. To avoid confusion let us use the term “situations” and “models”. We will formalize models later for first-order (predicate) logic. Truth Table for OR
Can you write down all the models of (read OR )? Does this correspond to your conception of (the logical connective OR)? Truth Table for NOT
Truth Table for Compound FormulaeXOR is an important derived connective that is defined in terms of . It has the interpretation of “either-or”: i.e, either p or q, but not both. XOR is the formula . Its truth table can be written as below:
We will go through few more examples of truth tables in the book. Other examples of derived connectives are:
Let us write the truth table for the connective (equivalence connective):
Tautology, Fallacies and EquivalenceTautologyA formula is a tautology if and only if it is true no matter what value one gives to the propositions involved in the formula. Example is .
No matter what you value one gives , the formula is always true. Other examples of tautology are
FallaciesFallacies are the opposite of tautologies. These are formulae that are false no matter what the truth values of the propositions in them. Example: .
If we take a tautology and negate it then it becomes a fallacy. Therefore is a fallacy. Logical EquivalenceTwo formulae are logically equivalent if and only if they have the same truth value in each row of the (joint) truth table. Example: The formulae and are logically equivalent. To see why let us write their truth tables (we tack them together for convenience).
Notice that for all the truth table rows, coincide. Examples of equivalent formulae include
Technically, you need not assume that the formulae have the same set of propositions. For example, and are not logically equivalent. However, and are logically equivalent. Similarly, and are logically equivalent since they are both fallacies. Theorem:Statement of Theorem: Whenever two formulae and are equivalent then is a tautology. Proof: Consider the truth table for the formula generated from a truth table that has a column for and a column for (as shown below).
Note that for column to have a false entry at some row, and must have different values at that row. But since is logically equivalent to , they always have the same value at each row. As a result, the column must be all true, for all the rows in the truth table. Therefore it is a tautology. |