General Help
LAPACK is a library of Fortran 77 routines for solving the most
commonly occurring problems in linear algebra. It has been designed
to be efficient on a wide body of modern high-performance computers.
The name LAPACK is an acronym for Linear Algebra PACKage.
LAPACK includes driver routines for solving standard types of problems,
computational routines for performing distinct computational tasks, and
auxiliary routines for performing certain subtasks or low-level computations.
This site provides the capability of automated retrieval
of LAPACK routines and information about LAPACK. Use the buttons on the
left or above to begin your search through the LAPACK collection.
Users not familiar with LAPACK will find it helpful to
review the
Guide before using this site.
Top menu:
Click on Home
and the links therein to learn
more about what is included
in LAPACK or to find information about the BLAS and other projects
related to LAPACK.
Click on Netlib to
access Netlib directly.
Click on Search to search
for an LAPACK routine by name or to search the full Netlib respository.
Click on Sitemap to see
how this site is organized. Click on any entry in the map to go directly to that location.
Left menu:
Click on Access Individual
Routines to learn about the types of LAPACK routines and how they are
named. Individual routines are accessed by clicking on the desired
routine type in the left menu. Choices include
computational, driver, and utility routines as well as routines for testing
or timing of LAPACK. Use your browser's save function to copy the
returned source code.
Click on Download Packages
And Libraries to find prepackaged
collections of LAPACK routines as well as precompiled libraries
for a variety architectures. The LAPACK testing and timing collections
are available at this location as well.
Click on Documentation
to reach various reference guides (including
the Users' Guide and installation guides), the LAPACK working
note collection, manual pages, and revision and bug information.