Use Case Generalization
This page includes material from Alistair Cockburn's book: "Writing Effective Use Cases". © 2001. Addison-Wesley.
It is being used to support Lecture 7-8, Slide 17 of Dr. Kenneth M. Anderson's Spring 2005, CSCI 6448: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design class.
As such, the images on this page, are Addison-Wesley, © 2001.
Generic Use Case
Given the following Use Case:

You can model the relationship between use cases with either a direct "includes" relationship or with an inheritance relationship.

Beware common pitfalls when using an inheritance relationship among use cases and actors. The figure below is meant to show that only a senior agent can close a big deal. But because a subclass can substitute for a superclass, it also says that a sales clerk can close a big deal as well.

The way to avoid this error is shown below.