Reference Materials
This page contains a set of links to useful Web resources concerning object-oriented analysis and design. Disclaimer: some links may no longer be valid. If you find such a link, send mail to Dr. Anderson.
Feel free to send in pointers of your own!
Class Specific
Corrections to Textbooks
Both textbooks have published lists of corrections.
CU Syllabus Items
Each semester, CU has a number of announcements that they request be included with the class syllabus. Since this class does not have an explicit syllabus, I have placed these announcements here.
Examples From Lectures
Examples from Lecture 02-03: .tar.gz (8 KB) .zip (28 KB)
Example from Lecture 04: .tar.gz (4 KB) .zip (12 KB)
Scanned Images for Lecture 07-08: Use Case Examples
Examples from Lecture 12: .tar.gz (4 KB) .zip (12 KB)
Patterns, part 1 and 2: .tar.gz (4 KB) .zip (12 KB)
Object-Oriented Technology
Cetus Links
Cetus Links claims to have over 18,000 links to information on Objects and Components!
Link provided by Edmon Begoli.
Interaction Architect
Here's an article from the Interaction Architect website that discusses 13 common objections to performing requirements analysis, and why you should not believe them! The page seems focused on website design, but the objections are generic enough to be useful outside that domain.
Link provided by Usha Sunkad.
The Object Management Group Website
The Object Management Group (or OMG) is a standards organization for the creation of standards releated to object technology. Check this site out for information on UML.
Object Mentor Articles
This site contains lots of articles on object-oriented design, written by a well known author in the OO A&D field, Robert C. Martin.
Link provided by Edmon Begoli.
The OO Tips Website
Object Orientation Tips is a website that syndicates content from object-oriented newsgroups, mailing lists, and other sources.
Link provided by Edmon Begoli.
Grady Booch's Handbook on Software Architecture
Grady Booch maintains a website about software architecture that has a section on patterns that attempts to distill architectural lessons learned from various software systems and architectures.
Link provided by Ryan DeJana.
- The Portland Pattern Repository is a resource on design patterns.
- Design Patterns (Click on Patterns once the homepage has loaded)
- Organizational Patterns
- AntiPatterns
Links provided by Usha Sunkad.
Responsibility-Driven Design
An excellent pointer to information on Responsibility-Driven Design.
Link provided by Vincent Gravdahl.
Use Cases
Cockburn's Use Case Website
Cockburn maintains his own website on use cases: <>. This website provides templates for Cockburn's use cases in a variety of formats.
Link provided by Michael Preobrazhensky.
HP Use Case Template
Here is a PDF document describing a use case template developed by the Hewlett-Packard Software Initiative.
Link provided by Paul Egges.
Allen Holub's UML Quick Reference
Allen Holub has provided an excellent overview of UML notation.
UML Tools
Altova UModel 2006
Altova UModel 2006 is an advanced UML modeling tool that supports UML 2.
Advanced Concepts Center Links to UML Tools
The Advanced Concepts Center maintains a very useful list of UML tools. My thanks to ACC for allowing me to point to this list!
Argo UML
Argo UML is an open source design environment that supports the creation of object-oriented designs using the latest UML specifications. As an interesting aside, one of the founders of the project, Jason Robbin, used to be my roommate back in graduate school. Jason is a smart, hard-working guy who has accomplished a lot using the open source style of software development.
Link provided by Matthias Hauswirth.
DIAdoes not refer to our local international airport (besides itsDENnotDIA!), but instead to a Unix tool called dia that can help you draw UML diagrams.Link provided by Nathan Blair.
MagicDraw is another UML design tool: <>.
Link provided by Jeff Palm.
SmartDraw is a general purpose diagram tool that supports the creation of UML diagrams: <>.
Link provided by Michael Pratt.
Umbrello UML Modeller
Here is a link to the Umbrello UML Modeller project on
Link provided by Randell Rivadeneira.
Visual Paradigm
Visual Paradigm is a Java UML tool that integrates with many different development environments, including JBuilder, JDeveloper, Eclipse, Netbeans, and Visual Studio.
Link provided by Michael Pratt.