Use Case Examples
This page links to material from Alistair Cockburn's book: "Writing Effective Use Cases". © 2001. Addison-Wesley.
It is being used to support Lecture 7, Slide 12 of Dr. Kenneth M. Anderson's Spring 2005, CSCI 6448: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design class.
As such, the images on this page, are Addison-Wesley, © 2001.
Actor Goal Table
This type of table is useful for brainstorming actors and goals for a system.

In and Out of Scope
This type of table is useful for identifying use cases that are in or out of scope for a system.

Use Case Briefs
When you start analysis, it may be helpful to just create brief statements of each use case, rather than attempting to write a fully developed use case description.

Use Case Narrative
Use case narratives are used to motivate the existence of a use case. They are not use cases themselves!

User Level Use Case

Summary Level Use Case

Low-Ceremony Use Case

High-Ceremony Use Case