My Favorites - Hal Gabow


Composer: Beethoven

20th Century Composer: Stravinsky

Most Overrated Composer: Brahms

Opera: La Traviata (Verdi)

Comic Opera: Don Giovanni (Mozart)


Rock group: Fleetwood Mac

Vocal Rock Group: Bee Gees

Guitarist: Eric Clapton

Singer/songwriter: Bob Dylan


Hobbies: piano, weight-training, yoga, ballroom dancing (but we only do it seriously on vacation).

      Recent Personal Records


Movie: Groundhog Day

Science Fiction Movie: 2001: A Space Odyssey

Documentary: Man on Wire


Book: War and Peace (Tolstoy)

Essay: A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again (David Foster Wallace)

Science Fiction Author: Larry Niven

Detective: Lord Peter Wimsey

Sherlock Holmes actor: Jeremy Brett

Last Book Read: A Field Guide to Lies by Daniel Levitin.

      My Goodreads review gives some corrections of mathematical details (hypergeometric distribution and Bayes' Rule).


TV Show: Masterpiece Theater

      (40 year-watcher; we're enjoying Netflix, but Frank Underwood, you're no F.U.


      TV Serial: [Spooks] | MI-5

Radio Show: Talk of the Nation, Neal Conan

Radio Interviewer: Terry Gross (Fresh Air)


National Park: Yosemite

Hikes: Rocky Mountain National Park (see below)

Resort: The Balsams Dixville Notch, New Hampshire


Participant Sport: tennis

      Former Participant Sport: marathon running

      Best Marathon Start: 1980's Denver Marathon starting gun = cannons of the 1812 Overture

Sports Team: Denver Broncos OK I'm an idiot.

Sports Hero: I automatically root for anyone over 40. Exceptions:

  • Roger Federer (<40 but "older") - tennis perfection + grace on and off court


Surgeon: Dr. Wade Smith (see pics)


News on Patty Gabow:



Rocky Mountain National Park, Sept. 05

.Black Lake