
The goal of this project is for you to develop your skills in conducting and communicating original research. Interested students will be supported (and encouraged) by the instructor to submit this project for publication or as part of your application to find an exciting job opportunity in industry.

For your project, you will design and investigate a novel idea involving computer vision. It will be a self-designed project in consultation with the instructor. This is an opportunity for you to enhance your expertise on a topic you feel passionate about.

Your final project will constitute 30% of your total class grade. Your project grade will be calculated as follows:

Assignment Percentage of Final Project Grade
Project proposal 10%
Project outline submission 15%
Final project presentation 15%
Peer evaluation 10%
Final project report 50%

Project Proposal

The project proposal should:

  1. Establish the research problem and novel idea you will tackle for your final project
  2. Identify relevant related work

When choosing your topic, general guidelines are to:

Relevant topics include (but are not limited to):

You will need to submit a PDF that is 1-2 pages long (excluding references). Please use the latex template from CVPR, ICCV, or ECCV. A great latex paper editor is Overleaf. The paper should include each of the following:

Please note that your proposed project is not a binding contract. You will continue to update and improve it as you learn more from your readings and/or feedback.

Project Outline Submission

The project outline should map out the entire project. You will be expected to:

  1. Submit a detailed project outline that is 3-4 pages long (excluding references).

The paper should include each of the following:

Final Project Presentation

The final project presentation should be an approximately four minute presentation about your project. It should cover the following:

Peer Evaluation

You will evaluate the presentation from every person in the course at the link shared by the instructor. The evaluations will not take time outside of class. The evaluations that you do for other students' projects will not affect your own grade, except that you will be penalized if you do not complete an evaluation (following the requirements) for every person (excluding your own).

Final Project Submission

For the final project submission, you should submit a final report that is at least 6 pages long (excluding references). It should include each of the following:

  • Title
  • Abstract - one paragraph summary of your paper describing the motivation, problem, conducted experiments, and experimental findings
  • [Section 1] Introduction (improve upon the material from your project outline)
  • [Section 2] Related Work (improve upon the material from your project outline; if you have not already, you should remove the bulleted structure you used in the initial proposal and instead have a paragraph form)
  • [Section 3] Methods (improve upon the material from your project outline)
  • [Section 4] Experimental Design (improve upon the material from your project outline)
  • [Section 5] Experimental Results
  • [Section 6] Conclusions - summarize in one paragraph what is the main take-away point from your work
  • [Section 7] Bibliography