Proofs — Existential statements (CSCI 2824, Spring 2015)In this series of notes, we are going to
In this page, we briefly discuss existential statements, and their common proof strategies. Existential StatementsWe will mention existential statements. They are rarer but interesting. Simple existential statements assert that a number with some property exists. . To prove an existential statement, we just give an example. ExampleTheorem There exist two prime numbers whose sum is also a prime number. Proof
and serve as examples to our theorem. A first look at constructive ProofsExistential statements can be proved in another way without producing an example. Typically this involves a proof by contradiction (we will study these types of proofs soon). Such proofs are called non-constructive proofs. Theorem There exist two irrational numbers and such that is rational. Proof
We will show that such numbers exist without giving you a concrete example. Consider the number and . Therefore is rational. We know that is irrational. There are two cases:
As a result, there must exist two numbers such that is rational while themselves are irrational. ( Our argument just has not produced any concrete example to point to. :-) ) QED. Needless to say we will leave non-constructive proofs to mathematicians and the debate to the philosophers for now. If you are interested, these ideas are usually covered in a philosophy of mathematics or a philosophy of science class. |