Concepts you should know before the final (CSCI 2824, Spring 2015)
Logic (Chapter 1)
Propositional logic (Sect 1.3)
Predicate logic (Sect 1.4)
Implications (Sect 1.5)
Proof techniques (Chapter 2)
Direct proofs (Sect 2.1)
Proof by contrapositive (Sect 2.1)
Proof by cases (Sect 2.2)
Proof by contradiction (Sect 2.4)
Weak induction (Sect 2.3-2.4)
Here is how we prove a statement of the form .
Step 1: prove the base case, i.e., show that is true.
Step 2: state the induction hypothesis:
Step 3: prove the above statement.
Strong induction (Sect 2.4)
Side topics
Division theorem (Theorem 8, Page 103)
Pigeonhole principle (Theorem 8, Page 143)
Set theory (Chapter 3)
A set is a collection of “objects”.
These objects in the set are formally called elements.
There are three common ways to describe a set:
We always use curly brackets to contain the elements.
Elements in a set are unordered and nonrepeating.
Some common sets that we use:
: the set of real numbers
: the set of nonnegative real numbers
: the set of integers
: the set of nonnegative integers
: the set of natural numbers
for real numbers :
Basic notation (Sect 3.1)
Set operations (Sect 3.1 and 3.2)
Let be sets and suppose that , . Here we assume to be the universal set (which simply
means that everything happens inside ).
Cardinality and inclusion-exclusion principle (Sect 3.1 and 3.2)
Let and be sets.
Relations and functions (Chapter 4)
Relations (Sect 4.1, 4.4, 4.5)
Injectiveness, surjectiveness and bijectiveness (Sect 4.1, 4.2)
Image and preimage
Relations between functions and set cardinality (Sect 4.3)
Given any two nonempty finite sets and ,
Growth of functions (Sect 4.8)
Given any two functions ,
A few important results:
Please remember to review the master theorem.
(See Theorem 9 in Section 4.8, Page 358.)
Basic combinatorics (Chapter 5)
Four basic structures
ordered lists (repetitions allowed, ordering matters)
unordered lists (repetitions allowed, ordering does not matters)
permutations (repetitions not allowed, ordering matters)
combinations (repetitions not allowed, ordering does not matter)
Counting lists
Please check the online lecture notes and the examples in the
textbook (if you have it).
Solving recurrence
Probability (Chapter 6)
Suppose we have an experiment where there are only finitely many
possible outcomes.
The sample space is the set of all possible outcomes.
An event is a subset of the sample space.
The probability of an event is the ratio .
Mutually exclusive events; independent events; conditional probability
Let and be two events from an experiment.
Expected value
Given an experiment with sample space ,
A random variable is a function that maps each outcome to
a real number. In other words, every function
is a random variable.
The expected value of a random variable is
Bernoulli trials
Graph theory (Chapter 7)
You will need to know what the following terms mean regarding
directed and undirected graphs :
degrees; in-degree; out-degree; source; sink
walks (or paths in undirected graphs)
directed cycles (or cycles in undirected graphs)
Eulerian graphs
bipartite graphs
trees and leaves
strongly connected components of digraphs (or connected components of undirected graphs)