Workshops, Meetings, and Seminars
International Workshops ( ◦ = participant; ■ = co-organizer)
- NeurIPS 2024 Tutorial on Experimental Design and Analysis for AI Researchers
- KDD Workshop on Deep Learning for Education (DL4ED) (August 2019)
- NIPS Workshop on Cognitively Informed Machine Learning (December 2017)
- Data Science and Human Behavior (August 2017)
- International Summer School on Deep Learning (July 2017)
- ICML Workshop on Machine Learning for Digital Education and Assessment Systems (June 2016)
- NIPS Workshop on Reasoning, Attention, and Memory (Montreal, December 2015)
- ICML Workshop on Machine Learning for Education (Lille, July 2015)
- NIPS Workshop on Human Propelled Machine Learning (Montreal, December 2014)
- Approaching Twenty Years of Knowledge Tracing: Lessons Learned, Open Challenges, and Promising Developments (London UK, July 2014)
- Personalized Learning Workshop (Houston, April 2014)
- NIPS Workshop on Data Driven Education (Lake Tahoe, December 2013)
- NIPS Workshop on Personalizing Education With Machine Learning (Lake Tahoe, December 2012)
- Nineteenth International Summer School In Cognitive Science (Bulgaria, 2012)
- Visual Search and Selective Attention (Germany, July 2012)
Lab Meetings