Topical Hidden Markov Models for Skill Discovery in Tutorial Data
Jose P. | |
Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA |
Jack Mostow | |
Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA
The rst step for an Intelligent Tutoring Sys- tem to adapt teaching is inferring students' understanding of the subject matter (Van- Lehn, 1988). Existing automatic approaches for inferring students' knowledge requires a cognitive model { the mapping between the tutor problems and the set of skills required. This is a very expensive requirement, since it often depends on expert domain knowledge (Beck, 2007).
The success of previous methods for auto- matic construction of cognitive models has been limited (Desmarais, 2011). Previous work on inferring students' knowledge from temporal data has relied on expert annota- tors to nd the grouping of problems into skills
Our proposed model, Topical Hidden Markov Model (HMM), uses an input sequence to model the order in which students solve prob- lems, and an output sequence to model stu- dents' performance on the problems they solve. We propose a Gibbs Sampling algo-
rithm that infers a factorization of problems into skills, and estimates the student knowl- edge of the skills across time. We validate our approach with data collected with the Bridge to Algebra Cognitive Tutor R (Koedinger et al., 2010).
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