// FILE: dblbuff.cpp // Demostrates double-buffering with the winbgim library. // Michael Main -- Nov 25, 1998 #include // Provides sprintf function #include "winbgim.h" // Provides Windows BGI functions int main( ) { const int COLUMNS = 8; const int ROWS = 16; int x, y; // x and y pixel locations int row, column; // Row and column number int box_width; // Width of a color box in pixels int box_height; // Height of a color box in pixels int color; // Color number, now ranging from 0 to 127 // Initialize the graphics window and set the box size. initwindow(400,300); box_width = getmaxx( ) / COLUMNS; box_height = getmaxy( ) / ROWS; // Draw some items on pages 1 and 0: setactivepage(1); line(0, 0, getmaxx( ), getmaxy( )); outtextxy(100, 100, "This is page #1."); outtextxy(100, 120, "Press a key to end the program."); setactivepage(0); line(getmaxx( ), 0, 0, getmaxy( )); outtextxy(100, 100, "This is page #0."); outtextxy(100, 120, "Press a key to see page #1."); // Get the user to press a key to move to page 1: getch( ); setvisualpage(1); getch( ); }