Installing the CSCI 1300 Software Package

Including the WinBGIm Graphics Library

September 2008


This page provides programmer's tools for CSCI 1300 at the University of Colorado. All tools are free and may be used by programmers here or elsewhere. The tools include: Original sources are listed at


Installation Notes:

To install these tools on your machine, please right click on the link to cs1300-setup.msi, and download the file to your desktop. Then double-click on the file and follow the installation instructions.

A successful installation will place all the needed files in a directory that you specify (usually C:\Program Files\Colorado\cs1300). You will also have a cs1300 icon installed on your desktop. Double click the icon to open a command window from which you may run any of the cs1300 tools.

The installation is registered in Windows, so you may later uninstall through the Windows Control Panel if you need to.


Exercises for Students:

If you haven't previously used the CS1300 tools, these exercises will help you become familiar with what's available. Additional documentation for the WinBGIm graphics library is available at
Michael Main (