links should be followable by programs, engines, bots and people without fear of side-effects. It's a basic, fundamental expectation that is weaved into every strand of the Web
It'd be a shame for Web 2.0 to become detached from the linkable, bookmarkable, indexable, cacheable, parallelisable and interoperable Web 1.0 that we've all built.
POST /people/create GET /people/show/1 POST /people/update/1 POST /people/destroy/1
POST /people GET /people/1 PUT /people/1 DELETE /people/1
class PeopleController < ActionController::Base # GET /people def index() end # GET /people;new def new() end # POST /people def create() end # GET /people/1 def show() end # GET /people/1;edit def edit() end # PUT /people/1 def update() end # DELETE /people/1 def destroy() end end
CRUD is not a goal, it's an aspiration, a design technique
class Group < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :users end class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :groups end class UsersController < ActionController::Base # POST /users/1;join_group?group_id=2 def join_group() end # POST /users/1;leave_group?group_id=2 def leave_group() end end
class Group < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :memberships has_many :users, :through => :memberships end class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :memberships has_many :groups, :through => :memberships end class Membership < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :group belongs_to :user end class MembershipsController < ActionController::Base # POST /memberships?group_id=1&user_id=2 def create() end # DELETE /memberships/3 def destroy() end end