What's New
Tuesday, December 12, 2000
10:40:36 AM
Don't forget! Demos this week.
Also, I have added my presentation on real simple syndication to the class presentations section of the website.
Thursday, November 16, 2000
11:02:09 AM
I have added Thuha's XUL presentation to the presentations section of the website. If any of you try to get XUL running on your own platform and succeed, please let us know!
Thursday, November 9, 2000
3:00:37 PM
I have added today's presentation to the presentations section of the website. I have also added a link to an HTML version of last week's presentation.
Tuesday, November 7, 2000
8:32:30 AM
I have placed the XSLT stylesheets created by this class on the website.
Monday, November 6, 2000
11:12:20 PM
For turning in the project-related materials this week, please make the documents available on your website. In addition, print a copy of the documents out and bring them to class to hand in. Thanks!
11:11:18 PM
I have added the presentation from last week to the presentations section of the website. I have also updated the URL for the Information Integration team's website.
Friday, November 3, 2000
9:29:39 AM
A new reference on XML-based network protocols has appeared at XML.com. This information serves as an excellent starting point for those of you interested in the topics that Mark was raising when he presented XML-RPC and SOAP:
Thursday, November 2, 2000
10:15:54 AM
XQL FAQ: <http://www.ibiblio.org/xql/>
Tuesday, October 31, 2000
12:27:23 PM
I have updated the class schedule. I need a volunteer to do a presentation on RDF on November 9th. I'm going to do a presentation on RSS on Nov. 30th, and Thuha volunteered to do a presentation on XUL on Nov. 16th (Thanks, Thuha!).
I believe Mark wanted to do a presentation on XPL, which is currently scheduled for December 7th. Mark is that okay for you?
Finally, for the last day of class, I think we will cover the XML DTDs for the open office suite (that used to be Star Office) that Brian Temple found for us:
Any takers?
Thursday, October 26, 2000
11:14:31 AM
I have added Wenming's XPointer presentation to the presentations section of the website.
12:01:24 AM
Van sent me his presentation on XLink early...so I have placed it on the website in the presentations section. See you all in nine hours! :-)
Sunday, October 22, 2000
1:43:20 PM
I have added Mark's presentation on XML-RPC and SOAP to the presentations section of the website. Thanks Mark for sending it to me!
12:51:42 PM
I have added information about the due dates for the semester project in the assignments section of this website. I have also updated the teams page with a URL that points to Thuha's and Wenming's project.
Monday, October 16, 2000
2:11:15 PM
I have added a page to the website that points to the websites of the various teams. Please look at the page and send me any missing information, if applicable.
Sunday, October 15, 2000
12:04:33 PM
Johannes Henkel sent a very interesing XSLT example that uses Xalan to demonstrate some very powerful features of XSLT. The example uses two files bookstore.xml and bookstore.xsl and creates an HTML file as output. Take a look!
Thursday, October 12, 2000
10:54:26 AM
I have added the XSLT presentation to the presentations section of the website. Thanks for the enjoyable class session today!
Wednesday, October 11, 2000
4:53:07 PM
Assignment 3 is now available.
Thursday, September 28, 2000
3:16:40 PM
I have added today's presentations on XSL and XPath to the presentations section of the website.
Wednesday, September 27, 2000
9:00:17 PM
Remember, you can always check the XSchema specification that you are creating for Homework 2 with the on-line XSchema validator:
Monday, September 25, 2000
10:05:48 PM
Homework 2 is now available. It is due this Friday. Sorry for the short fuse...if you will have problems meeting this deadline, send me an e-mail.
Thursday, September 21, 2000
4:34:57 PM
I have created a section of the website that provides links to some of the class presentations made so far this semester.
4:27:39 PM
There is a FAQ on XML Namespaces available. It did not change my opinion about the design of XML Namespaces!
1:25:05 PM
I started to look into XML Namespaces a bit more after lecture. On XML.com, there is an article called Namespace Myths Exploded that provides some very interesting details. In particular:
The XML Namespaces recommendation introduces the concept of namespaces without discussing validation or how to declare XML namespaces in DTDs!
This is the issue behind the question I was making in class. I find it stunning that these issues have not yet been addressed! In fact, after reading the above article, I have a very low opinion of the skills of the designers behind the XML Namespaces recommendation. They make use of a term (namespaces) that appears in other areas of computer science, but XML Namespaces do not share any of the standard characteristics of what are traditionally considered namespaces! If you invent something new, invent a new term. In my opinion, XML Namespaces (as defined by the recommendation) are needlessly complex and confusing.
I'm going to do some more digging, and perhaps my opinion will change, but currently I am not impressed!
Friday, September 15, 2000
1:26:54 AM
Please send me information on the teams that have been formed. Pick a team name and see if one member is willing to host a team website. If so, send me the URL. If you haven't yet joined a team, let me know ASAP, and we will try to get you placed before next week's class session.
1:25:06 AM
XML-RPC and SOAP have lead to the creation of a new W3C working group known as XML Protocol. We will need to look at the charter of this working group, when we discuss XML-RPC and SOAP.
Thursday, September 7, 2000
8:10:54 PM
Another interesting URL (provided by Mark Lewis):
6:43:34 PM
Check out the following story on XML.com. The issues raised in this article can serve as a future class topic:
Wednesday, September 6, 2000
4:55:48 PM
Be sure to e-mail me, the results of your homework 1 assignment before class. Also, bring the source code that you wrote to do the assignment with you to class. That way, we can compare and contrast approaches and learn from each other. Thanks!
4:54:35 PM
To tomorrow's presenters: If you want to use my computer for your presentations tomorrow, please send me your powerpoint slides via e-mail.
Sunday, September 3, 2000
3:08:04 PM
I have updated the class schedule slightly.
2:42:36 PM
In class, I mentioned that there is an XML format designed to support syndication of web content. This format is known as RSS and it has a long and sordid history. I'd like someone to volunteer to research the history behind RSS and do a presentation on it for the class. I also think it may form the basis for an interesting class project. BTW, the link goes to <http://www.scripting.com/> which is a site run by Dave Winer president of Userland software. As I mentioned on thursday, Userland has been doing a lot of XML stuff, including creating XML-RPC and participating in the creation of SOAP. For this class, you should make scripting.com a daily site that you visit, along with sites like xml.com.
1:22:15 PM
I will be making several updates to the website today. First, I have created a team selection page where I have recorded the interests in XML projects that students have sent me so far. Take a look and feel free to suggest additional topics and/or interests. If you haven't sent me your interests, please do so before this Thursday's class!
Wednesday, August 30, 2000
9:32:21 PM
Assignment 1 is now available.
Monday, August 28, 2000
12:04:50 PM
NOTE: Change in class location. In the course schedule, our classroom was listed as ECCR 155. This is not our classroom. Instead, our class will be held in ECOT 831. I will try to remember to place a note in ECCR 155 on Thursday morning directing people to 831.
Tuesday, August 15, 2000
2:00:00 PM
The class site for CSCI 7818 is now taking shape. I'm really looking forward to this semester. Students taking this class will come away with a "state-of-the-art" perspective on the field of XML and will have experience applying XML techniques to software development tasks. This page will be used for news and updates concerning the class.