Midterm Results

The grader and I finished grading the midterm this morning and I have posted the results to the Grades page (along with the results of Quiz 3). The grader intends to have Homework 3 graded by the middle of next week. I'll post those results when I have them. In general, the class did very well on the midterm. The highest score was 100 out of 100. The lowest score was 61 out of 100. The average score was 90.14. The median was 92. The mode was 99. The standard deviation was 8.4.

I will return the midterms during lecture tomorrow. I will also deliver midterms belonging to CAETE students to CAETE tomorrow after class. They will then ensure that your midterm is delivered back to you. Any remaining midterms will stay with me and you can collect them by coming to my office hours or sending me e-mail to arrange a time to pick it up.

© University of Colorado, Boulder 2011