Use this page to keep track of the latest class announcements.
Lecture 25 & 26
I spent part of Lecture 25 and all of Lecture 26 talking about java.util.Concurrent. The slides for that lecture are now available.
Homework 7
Homework 7 is now available. Best of luck as you work to finalize your semester projects!
Lecture 22
The slides for Lecture 22 are now available. As predicted, I decided to take a detour and give a full lecture on test-driven design. We’ll return to serverless single page web apps next week.
Lectures 20 and 21
The slides for Lecture 20 (from last week) have now been posted. Furthermore, the slides for Lecture 21 are now available.
Lecture 19
The slides for Lecture 19 are now available. Sample code for that lecture has already been uploaded to the Github repo for this class.
Lecture 18
The slides for Lecture 18 are now available. I will be updated the GitHub repo with the example code discussed in those slides. All of the example code can be executed using NodeJS.
Lecture 16
The slides for Lecture 16 are now available. In addition, the sample code section of the GitHub repository has been updated to include the code that we will review today.
Sample Code
I finally added all of the sample code (that I can distribute) that I’ve been discussing in lectures to the class GitHub repo. Take a look at:
Essays Grades: Weeks 5 and 6
The grades for week 5 and week 6 have been posted on D2L. There were a few people with no submissions for week 7 last night. Try to get your essays in as soon as possible.
Lecture 12 and Updated Homework 3
The slides for Lecture 12 are now available. Note: I got the due data on Homework 3 wrong. In the body text, I said that Iteration 1 occurred over weeks 6 and 7 but then put the due date in week 8. My apologies. I’ve now updated the assignment to reflect that the assignment is due on October 7th, which is the Friday of week 7.
Homework 2
The problem statement for Homework 2 is now available. Please work in teams on this assignment. Doing the work now to create teams will help you save time in a few weeks when the semester project begins.
Lecture 7
The slides for Lecture 7 are now available. I also updated the “Topics by Week” section of the Syllabus.
Github Student Developer Pack
You can upgrade your student account to one that allows private repositories using the GitHub Student Developer Pack. For more info, head to this link:
Thanks very much to Mike for pointing me to this. (I now remember having seen this in the past but I had completely forgotten about it!)
Once you have upgraded your account in this way, I would appreciate it, if you would convert your homework 1 repository to a private repo. Thanks!
Lecture 5
The slides for Lecture 5 are now available. Quick Reminder: The first set of essays are due by Wednesday night THIS week.
Ice Cream Social
The Department of Computer Science is holding its traditonal Ice Cream Social
today from 3 PM to 5 PM in the Discovery Learning Center (DLC Lobby AND DLC 1B70). This event brings together CS faculty, staff, undergraduates, and graduate students to kick off the new academic year.
The Department Chair will be providing some welcome remarks at 4 PM. Come for the free ice cream, stay for the talk!
If you're on campus, I encourage you to attend!
Access to
CU provides access to to all students with an identikey.
Note: to access the site with your Identikey, you need to login using the service provided at the first link above.
On that website, they have a variety of tutorials on Git, Github, and Markdown. See for instance:
Instructions for the essays have been posted, both on the class website as well as on our Github repo. Note: you will need to be a collaborator on our GitHub repo to see the wiki.
Updated Syllabus and Lecture Slides
Okay, I have updated the syllabus to reflect our progress so far. I renumbered the Git lecture to be lecture 3. I updated the syllabus both on this website as well as on the GitHub repo. Finally, I’d like you to start reading the Elixir textbook. Over the next three weeks, I need you to read Part 1 of that book (chapters 1-14). Don’t worry, the chapters are a quick read; be sure to type in the code as you work your way through the book.
More on Margaret Hamilton
If you're interested in learning more about Margaret Hamilton, take a look at this article from the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. It does a MUCH better job of explaining why she was called the rope mother
. Enjoy!
Viewing Course Lectures
The lectures for this course will be recorded and made available via Desire2Learn (D2L). If you are enrolled in this class, then the D2L instance for this class will be listed on your D2L homepage. Click on that link and at the top left of the page will be a link for Mediasite. Click on that link to view a list of all available lectures. Finally, click on the lecture you want to view.
More detailed instructions are available here: Mediasite Lecture Access
Small Update to Lecture 1
Note: I made a couple of changes to the slides for Lecture 1. If you already downloaded a copy, be sure to download the updated slides.
I have added an initial syllabus for the class. Please consider it to be preliminary. It WILL evolve as we go through the semester.
Syllabus Statements
The University asks that the following statements be presented to students at the start of each semester. I will be creating a syllabus for this class soon. In the meantime, please review the standard syllabus statements and be sure to follow the procedures that they outline for the various topics discussed.
I'm working on the class website for CSCI 5828 for the Fall 2016 semester. Pardon my dust and stay tuned!