Lecture 13: Configuration Management and Subversion
Today's Lecture
- Configuration Management
- Subversion
Review of Versioning
- Versioning involves
- tracking the changes to a file between editing sessions
- providing services that make each version persistent and retrievable
- providing support for complex dependencies between versions such as extensions, splits, and merges
- Note: the emphasis is on a single file
- What about collections of files?
Configuration Management
- Versioning a collection of files is known as configuration management
- A collection can occur at many levels of granularity
- the collection of files that make up a module
- the collection of files that make up a library
- the collection of files that make up a subsystem
- etc.
- NOTE: each file is still individually versioned, but now we can track the configuration to which a particular version belongs
Relationship of Versioning to Configuration Management
- Recall from last lecture, how the version number of a file had nothing to do with the release number of the entire software system?

- The release number is the version number of a configuration!
- I was also pretending last lecture that somehow this single file represented your entire software system.
Configuration Management Example

Configuration Management, continued
- Configurations become first-class objects that can be manipulated by explicit commands
- (Versions of ) Files can be added/removed from configurations
- Configurations can be checked in and checked out
- This helps with bug tracking, if a customer reports a bug on release 1.3, the software engineer can check out a clean copy of release 1.3 without affecting the current release
- Each developer can have their own copy of a configuration; changes to a configuration are handled similarly to changes to individual files
- Configurations can be automatically built and packaged for deployment
Configuration Management Tools
- Unfortunately, most configuration management tools are commercial systems
- ClearCase, Continuus (now Telelogic SYNERGY), Razor, TrueChange
- Tools like RCS, CVS, and Subversion (which are freely available) are versioning systems (so that's what we will look at)
- CVS and Subversion have only one feature that provides a configuration management-like capability
- Its called “tags” and it allows you to tag a particular version of a file with a release number…
- … but that’s it! It does not have an explicit notion of collections that can be versioned independent of its individual files
- Still, we will look at Subversion in more detail to see how it (and CVS before it) made it easier to deal with groups of files when compared to what RCS provides
- Quick tour of Subversion (svn)
- Creating Repository
- Importing an existing project
- Checking out a local copy
- Modifying the local copy
- Committing Changes
- Retrieving information about the repository
- Tool Integration
- Simulating a conflict
- Tagging a release
- Creating a branch and making changes on the branch
- Merging a branch back into the main development trunk
- Subversion at a distance
- Note: you will learn more about subversion in Lab 3
- You can also read the book for documentation on specific commands
Coming Up Next
- Lecture 14: Midterm Review
- Homework 6 Due
- Lab 3 Assigned
- Midterm: One week from today!!!