Status Report for CSCI 3308
This page contains status information on how the class did on completed assignments. The list below includes only those assignments in which the grading is complete for all three lab sections.
There are 59 students enrolled in CSCI 3308 for Fall 2003.
54 students have submitted homework 01 for an average score of 7.89
59 students have submitted homework 02 for an average score of 7.47
57 students have submitted homework 03 for an average score of 8.93
58 students have submitted homework 04 for an average score of 9.14
56 students have submitted homework 05 for an average score of 9.59
58 students have submitted homework 06 for an average score of 9.21
59 students have submitted homework 07 for an average score of 9.73
58 students have submitted homework 08 for an average score of 9.41
51 students have submitted homework 09 for an average score of 7.57
58 students have submitted homework 10 for an average score of 9.52
58 students have submitted lab 00 for an average score of 9.57
57 students have submitted lab 01 for an average score of 8.32
59 students have submitted lab 02 for an average score of 9.53
59 students have submitted lab 03 for an average score of 9.32
59 students have submitted lab 04 for an average score of 8.97
58 students have submitted lab 05 for an average score of 9.60
58 students have submitted lab 06 for an average score of 9.62
58 students have submitted lab 07 for an average score of 9.97
58 students have submitted lab 08 for an average score of 9.88
There was no lab 09.
55 students have submitted lab 10 for an average score of 9.93
55 students have submitted quiz 00 for an average score of 8.07
58 students have submitted quiz 01 for an average score of 8.60
58 students have submitted quiz 02 for an average score of 8.90
56 students have submitted quiz 03 for an average score of 8.43
55 students have submitted quiz 04 for an average score of 5.42
53 students have submitted quiz 05 for an average score of 7.28
57 students have submitted quiz 06 for an average score of 9.00
56 students have submitted quiz 07 for an average score of 9.20
56 students have submitted quiz 08 for an average score of 8.93
56 students have submitted quiz 09 for an average score of 7.82
56 students have submitted quiz 10 for an average score of 7.56
59 students have submitted program 01 for an average score of 17.80
59 students have submitted program 02 for an average score of 24.66
57 students have submitted program 03 for an average score of 28.33
59 students took the midterm for an average score of 74.63
59 students took the final for an average score of 161.47
Testing Notebook
59 students have submitted worksheet 01 for an average score of 61.37
58 students have submitted worksheet 02 for an average score of 43.79
58 students have submitted worksheet 02 for an average score of 62.17