Picture of Joshua A. Grochow
Joshua A. Grochow
Assistant Professor
Departments of Computer Science and Mathematics
University of Colorado at Boulder
[first initial][last name]@colorado.edu
I will not be in the office during the coronavirus pandemic. My virtual office is here on Zoom.
Fax: (303) 492-2844 (ATTN: me)
CS Theory @ CU Boulder
Complex Systems @ CU Boulder

Me @ Mastodon BlueSky Twitter csthoery.SE mathoverflow ORCID
My pubs @ arXiv ECCC DBLP MathSciNet Google Scholar SciRate

CSCI 6114: Computational Complexity (Grad, Fall 2023)


Student hours for this class: Tuesdays 1:30-2:30 US Mountain Time, at my zoom link

Online Resources


There is no textbook for this class, we will read selections from some subset of the books below, lecture notes, and research articles. However, regardless of what we cover in class, these books are great complexity resources! (When available through CU libraries the link below is to the CU Library Proxy that will log you in; if you don't want that look at the URL - it should be fairly clear how to modify it to not do that, or ask me for help)

Some of my favorite non-textbooks

Some good textbooks

Problem Sets

Additional exercises

Final project topics

(Project topics posted w/ permission of their authors, in alphabetical order by last name)