Selected Research Papers |
J.M. Dennis and E.R. Jessup,"
Applying Automated Memory Analysis to Improve Iterative Algorithms,"
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., Vol.29, No.5, 2007, pp.2210-2223.
(pdf). |
A. H. Baker, J.M. Dennis, and E. R. Jessup, "
An Efficient Block Variant of GMRES,"
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,
Volume 27, Issue 5, 2006, pages 1608-1626."
(pdf). |
A. Baker, S. Crivelli, E.R. Jessup, "An Efficient
Parallel Termination Detection Algorithm",
International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems
Volume 21, Number 4, August 2006, pages 293-301.
(pdf). |
A. H. Baker. E. R. Jessup, and T. Manteuffel, "A
Technique for Accelerating the Convergence of Restarted GMRES,"
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Vol.26, No.4, 2005, pp.962-984. Article
(pdf). |
E. R. Jessup and J. H. Martin, "Taking a New Look at
the Latent Semantic Analysis Approach to Information Retrieval," in
Proceedings of the SIAM Workshop on Computational Information
Retrieval, Raleigh, NC, 2000.
Article (pdf). |
Z. Drmac and E.R. Jessup, "On accurate generalized
singular value computation in floating-point arithmetic", SIAM J.
Matrix Anal. Appl.,Vol.22, No.3, pp. 853-873, 2000. Abstract
or Article from SIAM. |
B. Hendrickson, E.R. Jessup, and C.B. Smith, "A
Parallel Eigensolver for Dense Symmetric Matrices", SIAM J.
Matrix Anal. Appl., Vol.20, No.3, pp.1132-1154, 1999. Abstract
or Article from SIAM. |
S. Crivelli and E.R. Jessup, "The PMESC Programming
Library for Distributed-Memory MIMD Computers", J. Par. Dist.
Comput., Vol.57, pp.295--321, 1999. Abstract,
Article (gzipped ps, 566477 bytes). |
E.R. Jessup and D.C. Sorensen, "A Parallel Algorithm
for Computing the Singular Value Decomposition of a Matrix", SIAM
J. Matrix Anal. Appl.,Vol.15, No.2, pp.530-548, 1994. Abstract
from SIAM,
Article (gzipped ps, 78402 bytes). |
E.R. Jessup, "A Case Against a Divide and Conquer
Approach to the Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem", Applied
Numerical Mathematics, Vol.12, No.5, pp.403-420, 1993. Abstract,
Article (gzipped ps, 152286 bytes). |
Textbook |
L.D. Fosdick, E.R. Jessup, C.J.C. Schauble, and G.
Domik, An Introduction to High-Performance Scientific Computing,
MIT Press, 1996. Buy
me! or get me for
free. |
Selected Papers about Education |
L. Barker and E.R. Jessup," Student and Faculty Choices that Widen
the Experience Gap, in The Encyclopedia of Gender and IT.
Eileen M. Trauth, Editor. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing, 2006, pages 1128-1133.
Article (pdf). |
L. Barker, E.R. Jessup, and T. Sumner,
"Report from the Trenches: Bringing More Women into the Study of Computer Science","
Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering,
11, No.3, 2005.
Article (pdf). |
M. Berry, Z. Drmac, and E.R. Jessup, ""Matrices,
Vector Spaces, and Information Retrieval"", SIAM Review,
Vol.41, No.2, pp.335-362, 1999.
Article (pdf). |
E.R. Jessup, "Teaching Technology for the Community",
in Managing IT in Government, Business & Communities,
G. Gingrich, editor, IGP/INFOSCI/IRM Press, Hershey, PA, pp.72-79, 2003.
Article (pdf). |
V.E. Lamberti, L.D. Fosdick, E.R. Jessup, and C.J.C.
Schauble, "A Hands-On Introduction to Molecular Dynamics", Journal
of Chemical Education, 79(5), 2002, pp.601-606.
Article (pdf),
Software supplement (pdf). |
E.R. Jessup and R.C. Giles, ""Teaching Computing in
Context"", IEEE Computational Science and Engineering, Vol.3,
No. 3, pp.54-58, 1996. Article
(gzipped ps, 38901 bytes). |
E.R. Jessup, ""Curriculum in High-Performance
Scientific Computing"", in the Proceedings of Frontiers in
Education--FIE '96, 4 pages. Article
(gzipped ps, 21474 bytes). |
A Little Software |
Graphical User Interface to LAPACK,
http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~lapack,with Bill Bolton, Baat Enosh,
Fengxia Ma, and Thuha Nguyen. |
LAPACK routines
DSTEIN for single- and double-precision computation of selected
eigenvectors of symmetric tridiagonal real matrices by inverse
iteration. |