Standings | Individuals | Scoreboard | Team Detail | Individual Detail | Stat Key |
W, L, T | Number of games won (W), lost (L), or tied (T) |
Pct | Fraction of games won |
PPG | Average number of points scored by the team in a game |
PAPG | Average number of points scored against the team in a game |
Mrg | Team's average margin of victory (if positive) or defeat (if negative) |
15 10 -5 | Number of toss-ups answered for the corresponding point value (negative point values are for incorrect interrupts) |
TUH | Total number of toss-ups heard by the team |
PPTH | Average number of points scored by the team per toss-up heard |
P/N | Ratio of powers to negs |
G/N | Ratio of gets (correctly answered questions) to negs |
BHrd | Total number of bonus questions heard by the team |
BPts | Total number of points scored by the team on bonus questions |
P/B | Average number of points scored by the team on bonus questions |
GP | Number of games in which the player participated |
15 10 -5 | Number of toss-ups answered for the corresponding point value (negative point values are for incorrect interrupts) |
TUH | Total number of toss-ups heard by the player |
P/TU | Average number of points scored by the player per toss-up heard |
P/N | Ratio of powers to negs |
G/N | Ratio of gets (correctly answered questions) to negs |
Pts | Total number of points scored by the player |
PPG | Average number of points scored by the player per game |
Result | Whether the team won (W), lost (L), or tied (T) the game |
PF | Total number of points scored by the team |
PA | Total number of points scored by the opponent |
15 10 -5 | Number of toss-ups answered for the corresponding point value (negative point values are for incorrect interrupts) |
TUH | Total number of toss-ups heard |
PPTH | Average number of points scored by the team per toss-up heard |
P/N | Ratio of powers to negs |
G/N | Ratio of gets (correctly answered questions) to negs |
BHrd | Total number of bonus questions heard by the team |
BPts | Total number of points scored by the team on bonus questions |
P/B | Average number of points scored by the team on bonus questions |
GP | Number of games in which the player participated |
15 10 -5 | Number of toss-ups answered for the corresponding point value (negative point values are for incorrect interrupts) |
TUH | Total number of toss-ups heard by the player |
P/TU | Average number of points scored by the player per toss-up heard |
P/N | Ratio of powers to negs |
G/N | Ratio of gets (correctly answered questions) to negs |
Pts | Total number of points scored by the player |
PPG | Average number of points scored by the player per game |
PPG/Team | Average number of points scored per team per game |
TUPts/TUH. | Average number of points scored on toss-up questions per toss-up heard |
BPts/BH | Average number of points scored on bonus questions per bonus heard |
For information about this statistics program, visit the SQBS homepage.