On December 31, 2003 the entire editorial board of the Journal of Algorithms resigned due to pricing policies of Elsevier Press. Submissions that are currently in the review process will be handled as usual by that editorial board; accepted papers will continue to appear in issues of the Journal of Algorithms. No action is required by authors of papers that are currently submitted to Journal of Algorithms. However no new submissions to Journal of Algorithms will be processed by the current editorial board.
On January 21, 2004 the ACM Publications Board approved a proposal for a new journal dedicated to Algorithms, Transactions on Algorithms (TALG). TALG's editorial board is the editorial board that resigned from Journal of Algorithms. The three Editors of JALG, Zvi Galil, David Johnson and Don Knuth, are members of the new editorial board. I'm very happy to take over from them as Editor-in-Chief of TALG.
Material on the resignation: