CONTENTS OF THESE FILES STRONG COMPONENTS ALGORITHMS gscc.h,gscc.c, gscc1.c - path-based algorithm (Gabow) kscc.h, kscc.c, kscc1.c - multi-pass algorithm (Kosaraju-Sharir) tscc.h,tscc.c,tscc1.c,tscc2.c -Lowpoint algorithm (Tarjan) SUPPORTING DATA STRUCTURES digraph.h,digraph.c intarray.h stack.h util.h GRAPH GENERATORS gen.h, random.h acyclic.c - random acyclic digraphs on a fixed number of vertices any.c - random digraphs on a fixed number of vertices dense.c random dense digraphs (having a fixed fraction 1/p of #edges of the complete digraph with the same number of vertices) in either expected (#edges) or exact version grid2d.c grid3d.c 2D & 3D grids each in 8 flavors: wraparound VS no wraparound, oriented VS expected, permuted names VS no permuted names. hcube.c - randomly-oriented hypercubes in either expected or oriented version thard.c - two hard families for LOWPOINT MAIN ROUTINES test_acy.c,test_any.c,test_den.c,test_gri.c,test_hcu.c,test_tha.c generates graphs of the appropriate family and prints out timing statistics for each of the 3 SC algorithms tester.h,tester.c- times all 3 SC algorithms on the family SUPPORTING C FILES makefile